Hernan Ricaurte of Ricaurte Precision Inc.

We're speaking with Hernan Ricaurte, President and Co-Owner of Ricaurte Precision, a precision manufacturer in Southern California which he and his sister bought from their parents in 2016. We dig deep into the financial attributes of a shop, then discuss amongst other things the GAP concept of accounting, how the shop has transformed over the last five years and how living and working in Japan for almost 20 years has shaped how Hernan looks at running a company.

Ricaurte Precision Inc.

1550 E. McFadden Avenue, Santa Ana, CA. 92705
(714) 667-0632


BONUS EPISODE! A short Q&A session with Hernan Ricaurte of Ricaurte Precision, Inc.


Robot Automation Featuring Saman Farid of Formic Technologies