Jim Fitch, Vice President of Engineering, Nu-Way Industries
James Fitch is the Vice President of Engineering at Nu-Way Industries, Inc., a leader in designing and fabricating precision metal products serving many industries worldwide. With a manufacturing career spanning five decades, James oversees Estimating, the Product Development Group, the Manufacturing Engineering Group, and the Prototype Shop from Nu-Way’s headquarters in Des Plaines, Illinois. In this episode Jay and Jim sit down to dive deeper into his article "Six Tips for Facilitating Digital Transformation in Manufacturing" published in Paperless Parts Blog: In the Shop. Here we get a chance to riff and go deep on what is truly a passionate subject for Jim and one that he's thought about over his decades in manufacturing.
Happy New Year
Jeff and Jay sit down and chat about how a shop might plan for 2023. Jeff shares what he has heard shops say about the previous year and how they can use this reflection to set goals and aspirations for the new year!
Material Pricing
In this episode we dive in to how we see shops handling the dramatic fluctuations in material pricing. What are their strategies and how does automated quoting make them easier to implement.
Kevin Heins of KLH Industries
We are speaking with Kevin Heins of KLH Industries located in Germantown, Wisconsin. KLH Industries was recently recognized as a Modern Machine Shop Top Shop in the business strategies and performance category. This is a follow up to a great article that was written about them and their implemenation of a company operating system.
Succession Planning with Ashleigh Wehrle of Area Tool Manufacturing, Inc.
Ashleigh Wehrle of Area Tool & Manufacturing joins us to speak openly about her experience of taking over the shop after losing her father unexpectedly in 2011. Ashleigh's family did not not have a succession plan in place and she shares her experience and lessons learned.
Special Guest Scott Duncan of F&M Tool and Die
Scott Duncan of F&M Tool and Die joins us to ask Jay and Jeff some questions on growing his business. Jeff and Jay met several years ago through the Entreprenuers Organization. Jay, Jeff and Scott chat strategy about raising EBITDA, why you would want a high profit margin and how to achieve it.
Alexander Gray, Managing Partner at American Global Strategies
One of the repercussions of US manufacturing moving offshore, particularly to China, is that we've weakened our industrial base, or in other words, we have lessened our ability to manufacture the equipment we need to defend ourselves. We explore this topic in more depth with Alex Gray, author of the Wall Street Journal Article America’s Industrial Base Isn’t Ready for War With China.
Zack Fennell of Ameritex Fabrication & Machining
Today's guest is Zack Fennell of Ameritex Fabrication & Machining outside of Houston, Texas. Ameritex is an industry leader in advanced metal fabrication. We get into detail about how Ameritex made the strategic decision to change equipment suppliers and how they approached doing so from both an organizational and financial angle. We also touch on other areas of technology that have made a positive impact on their business.
The Pricing Podcast Episode 11: Geometry
Jeff and Jay get into what information can be interrogated from a 3D CAD model. How to input it automatically into quoting software and then how it can be used for design for manufacturability feedback during the quoting process based upon the parameters of manufacturability. Jay built a company around using 3D data to quote and manufacture parts, and this episode will give you a glimpse of how 3D CAD model geometry speeds quoting, and dramatically reduces errors.
The Pricing Podcast Episode 10: Analytics Deep Dive
Jay and Jeff take a deep dive into Analytics; data derived primarily from quoting activities. For those quoting in excel or an ERP system it may be difficult to extract information such as win rate. One of the advantages of estimating software is that all this data comes for free and very little effort is neccessary to generate reports. Jeff and Jay get into some of the ways reports can be sliced and diced both out of the box and how you can customize for your shop.
The Pricing Podcast Episode 9: IMTS 2022 Recap
eff shares his experience at his first trip to IMTS (International Manufacturing Technology Show). It was also Paperless Parts first time exhibiting at the show. Jeff shares with us many common questions he received at the booth as well as some of the cool products and companies he saw while walking the show. Jeff shares his experience at his first trip to IMTS (International Manufacturing Technology Show). It was also Paperless Parts first time exhibiting at the show. Jeff shares with us many common questions he recieved at the booth as well as some of the cool products and companies he saw while walking the show.
The Pricing Podcast Episode 8 with Special Guests Jason Korbelik and Brian Korbelik of Precision Parts Fast
Brian and Jason Korbelik of Precision Parts Fast join us on this episode. Precision Parts Fast has implemented many concepts and recommendations we've discussed on prior episodes. They are winning more work than ever and have lots of questions on how to automate estimating even more through the use of Paperless Parts. We captured it all for you. We get into pricing levers, part type categorization, and shop rates. Why complex parts can be the devil; throwing away your calculator; managing expectations and even chat about credit cards. These guys are smart, hungry, and growing fast.
The Pricing Podcast Episode 7: Pricing Stragegies for Long Term Agreements
In this episode we focus on pricing strategies for repeat parts and how to think of them in terms of rising costs; particularly materials, blanket orders, multiple shipments, and long term agreements. We also dive into AB testing to determine whether new customers will pay more and also how to use AB testing to test out different pricing strategies.
The Pricing Podcast Episode 6: Pricing Strategies for Large Quoting Packages and Much More!
We explore a wide range of pricing strategies today. How to handle customers who cherry pick your quotes, stinging you with the line items you price too low and awarding the juicy parts to someone else. How to handle no quotes; when to no quote, putting a policy in place and what to say to the customer. What to do when an unknown new customer sends in a giant quoting package for the first opportunity. Enjoy!
Dan Villemaire of C&M Precision Tech
Dan Villemaire is the President of C&M Precision Tech located in Hudson, NH. Founded by Dan's grandfather in 1979, C&M is a manufacturer of metal and plastic components and assemblies for product manufacturers across various industries. Jay and Dan touch on various aspects of running a shop from managing big mult-year contracts to certifications and much much more.
The Pricing Podcast Episode 5: Updating Pricing Easily and Often
On today's episode, Jay and Jeff get into how easy it is to update pricing in Paperless Parts. Some shops may be hesitant to update pricing often because it takes time and effort. But what happens when you remove the friction and make it easy? What if you could update factors for pricing everyday? Think about what opportunities are possible when things are simple!
The Pricing Podcast Episode 4: Shop Rates
We are back with our 4th episode in this special pricing series. Jay talks in depth about how he believes US Manufacturing will not just survive but flourish in the event of a recession. We also dig deep into shop rates and why it is difficult to determine one rate for an entire shop. We talk strategies and considerations for coming up with these rates. Enjoy!
Lincoln Electric Additive Solutions
On this episode, Jay sits down with Mark Douglass and David Sterio of Lincoln Electric's Additive Solutions division. Lincoln Electric Additive Solutions wire-based metal additive manufacturing for large part application provides your business with several advantages over traditional manufacturing processes.
The Pricing Podcast Episode 3: Learning to Quote
We are back with our third installment in this special series. Jay and Jeff talk about how to teach, train, and develop less experienced team members into becoming productive in estimating. Enjoy!
The Pricing Podcast Series Episode 2: Data entry
We are back with a second edition of our special series on Pricing. Jay and Jeff sit down and discuss getting data in and out of Paperless Parts through APIs and other methods. The importance of automated data collection and the risks associated with human error. Enjoy!

The Job Shop Show Podcast is sponsored by Paperless Parts, the #1 estimating and quoting software for manufacturing. Paperless Parts is a powerful, intuitive manufacturing software that will empower your team to quote smarter, eliminate mistakes, and save time.
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