Equipment Jay Jacobs Equipment Jay Jacobs

Dan Villemaire of C&M Precision Tech

Dan Villemaire is the President of C&M Precision Tech located in Hudson, NH. Founded by Dan's grandfather in 1979, C&M is a manufacturer of metal and plastic components and assemblies for product manufacturers across various industries. Jay and Dan touch on various aspects of running a shop from managing big mult-year contracts to certifications and much much more.

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Pricing Jay Jacobs Pricing Jay Jacobs

The Pricing Podcast Episode 5: Updating Pricing Easily and Often

On today's episode, Jay and Jeff get into how easy it is to update pricing in Paperless Parts. Some shops may be hesitant to update pricing often because it takes time and effort. But what happens when you remove the friction and make it easy? What if you could update factors for pricing everyday? Think about what opportunities are possible when things are simple!

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Pricing Jay Jacobs Pricing Jay Jacobs

The Pricing Podcast Episode 4: Shop Rates

We are back with our 4th episode in this special pricing series. Jay talks in depth about how he believes US Manufacturing will not just survive but flourish in the event of a recession. We also dig deep into shop rates and why it is difficult to determine one rate for an entire shop. We talk strategies and considerations for coming up with these rates. Enjoy!

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Pricing Anne Marie Tracey Pricing Anne Marie Tracey

The Pricing Podcast Series Episode 2: Data entry

We are back with a second edition of our special series on Pricing. Jay and Jeff sit down and discuss getting data in and out of Paperless Parts through APIs and other methods. The importance of automated data collection and the risks associated with human error. Enjoy!

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Financial, Multi-Generation, Software Jay Jacobs Financial, Multi-Generation, Software Jay Jacobs

Hernan Ricaurte of Ricaurte Precision Inc.

We're speaking with Hernan Ricaurte, President and Co-Owner of Ricaurte Precision, a precision manufacturer in Southern California which he and his sister bought from their parents in 2016. We dig deep into the financial attributes of a shop, then discuss amongst other things the GAP concept of accounting, how the shop has transformed over the last five years and how living and working in Japan for almost 20 years has shaped how Hernan looks at running a company.

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Robot Automation Featuring Saman Farid of Formic Technologies

Have you ever wondered whether having a robot in your shop makes sense? Are you worried about the cost of buying one, getting it up and running and then maintaing it? Saman Farid founded Formic Technologies with the goal to make robot implementation much easier for Manufacturers. Formic owns, installs, and then leases robots to manufacturers at an hourly rate, much less than the human team member. Listen and learn how you can get robot automation implemented in your shop with minimal risk!

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Financial Jay Jacobs Financial Jay Jacobs

Episode 64: Justin Donald, The Lifestyle Investor

Imagine being able to earn passive income and build long term wealth while gaining total freedom from you business or job! Spend less time working and more time with your spouse, family and friends. That is what Lifestyle investing is all about. On this episode, friend, mentor, and wildly successful investor and family man, Justin Donald, the creator of the "The Lifestyle Investor" explains how cash flow investing creates passive income. This isn't theory - Justin used these tools to achieve eight figure wealth by the age of 40. We hope after listening, you have a new path to explore yourself which can help you achieve your own financial freedom!

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Growing Your Shop, Equipment Jay Jacobs Growing Your Shop, Equipment Jay Jacobs

Episode 63: Successfully Starting Up with Precision Parts Fast

Precision Parts Fast (formerly Precision Additive) is an industrial 3D printing, CNC machining, and manufacturing design & consulting company based outside Denver, Colorado. Founded by brothers, Jason Korbelik and Brian Korbelik, in early 2021; Sensing an opportunity to bring precision additive manufacturing to the Rocky mountain roots, they have taken the plunge. We explore thoughts behind starting a business, challenges they're facing how they think differently than someone coming directly from additive manufacturing, and even answer some questions they have regarding redundancy, generating leads, expedite markups, and equipment strategy

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Financial, Equipment, Growing Your Shop Jay Jacobs Financial, Equipment, Growing Your Shop Jay Jacobs

Episode 62: Jonathon Friedl of Black Mountain Manufacturing

Jonathon Friedl and his brother Isaac Houchens are the owners of Black Mountain Manufacturing just outside Denver. As a young shop owner, Jonathon shares his non-traditional background, his struggles of being a shop owner in the early days. How he built up his company quickly just to have it crash and how he's successfully rebounded. This episode is full of personal experience and inspiration.

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Software, Growing Your Shop Jay Jacobs Software, Growing Your Shop Jay Jacobs

Episode 61: ERP Systems with Sam Gupta of ElevatIQ

Sam Gupta of ElevatIQ joins us as we take a deep dive into ERP Systems. Why do you need one? How do you chose one? How does it help with business transformation? ElevatIQ consults with companies to assist with the procurment of business systems such as ERP and provides implementaion assistance. Sam is also host of the popular program WBSRocks; a community and a media company focused on digital transformation and business growth. It runs several initiatives including a podcast, clubhouse rooms, happy hours, Twitter chat, slack, and LinkedIn communities, and a network of LinkedIn influencers.

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Software, Growing Your Shop Jay Jacobs Software, Growing Your Shop Jay Jacobs

Episode 60: Unlocking the Power of IT with Ari Santiago of CompassMSP

Ari Santiago, CEO of CompassMSP and Host of the popular Made in America Podcast joins us on this episode! CompassMSP's mission is to help small to medium size businesses utilize the power of technology to help reach their goals. Ari has worked with a number of Connecticut Manufacturers and his passion for manufacturing led him to start his own podcast made in America two years ago. He interviews some of the Manufacturing leaders and pioneers in Connecticut and Western Massachusetts; the importance of technology in business and what lessons Ari has learned from talking with manufacturing leaders.

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Pricing, People & Culture Jay Jacobs Pricing, People & Culture Jay Jacobs

Episode 59: EXPEDITES!

In this Bonus episode, Jeremy Dustin of Metalcraft Technologies picks Jay's brain on how he can efficiently offer expedites in his shop. Jay shares his experiences and ideas for managing and pricing expedites. If you're contemplating adding expedites to your shop or already offer them, this episode is not to be missed!

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Episode 58: Steve Tamasi of Boston Centerless

Today we speak with the owner and CEO of Boston Centerless, Steve Tamasi. Boston centerless supplies precision ground bar materials and grinding services specializing in extremely close tolerances. A classy shop doing things right in a very tight margin business. Steve has made constant incremental steps of continuous improvement and re-invests in all aspects of his company.

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The Job Shop Show Podcast is sponsored by Paperless Parts, the #1 estimating and quoting software for manufacturing. Paperless Parts is a powerful, intuitive manufacturing software that will empower your team to quote smarter, eliminate mistakes, and save time.

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